39W6D |
Being pregnant with Ryder was the most amazing experience ever. I truly loved every moment of it. I'm going to be one of those women who love being pregnant, everything seemed so easy. I was so blessed to have a smooth and safe pregnancy and delivery. So I figured I would write about the the day I had Ryder (lucky for me I kept a journal and Nick writing down every time the nurse and doctor came and did something). To really get the whole aspect of how quickly I went into labor, I had a doctors appt. Wed. Nov. 3rd, and the doctor said I was barely dilated to a 1 and about 35% effaced (which means my cervix was thinned out a third of the way). So we talked about being induced on Sunday night because my doctor really didn't expect me to go into labor on my due date which was Nov. 6th.
I started having contractions Fri. Nov. 5th around 2 a.m. which was lower back pain, it wasn't horrible so I tried sleeping it off, changing positions, sitting up, everything, but the contractions started getting worse and worse and by 7 a.m. I decided to time these contractions. By 8 a.m. I was timing them at every 5 to 7 minutes, and thought, I'm doing something wrong because these seem awfully close and I couldn't possibly be in labor considering my cervix wasn't very far along on Wed. So I called my doctors office and told them how far apart I was timing my contractions and they told me I could come in at 10:30. I tried not to get my hopes up, but I couldn't help but hope to have my baby that day. We brought our hospital bag, and everything else, just in case we were lucky. We get there and go back into a room and the doctor comes in and asks me how I'm feeling and the look on my face says it all, those contractions kept getting more intense, it was like I didn't have anytime to breath. The doctor checked me and told me I was still only dilated to a 1, BUT that I was 85% effaced, and he couldn't believe how much had changed in only 2 days! He wanted to time my contractions to see exactly how I was progressing, so he hooked me up to a monitor and left us there for about 20 minutes and came back and told us that the contractions were about every 3 minutes and that I was in the early stages of labor, I was ecstatic to say the least, BUT there was one slight issue, the hospital won't admit anyone who isn't dilated to a 3, so my doctor told me he was going to have to stretch my cervix out. Say what, come again? I was already having contractions that were 3 minutes apart and now you want me to lie flat on my back while you stretch my cervix out. Lets just say that was probably one of the worst pains I have had my entire life, So much more painful than the contractions. When he was done, he had called Summerlin and Valley Hospital to get us into a delivery room, but they were all booked until 2 p.m. It was only 12:30 p.m. and we decided to go get some food and keep ourselves busy until then.
We arrived at the hospital and had to wait a little longer because the room wasn't available just yet. There I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair, having Nick rub a tennis ball and massage my lower back during my contractions until we were finally able to get admitted at 2:30 p.m. Now heres where everything just speeds up from there. I get ready, they hook an IV up into my arm, which hurt SO bad (I HATE needles) and monitor my contractions, as well as Ryder's heart. At 3:00 the nurse hooks me up to some pitocin to make my contractions more regular. At 4:00 I was dilated to a 4 and the doctor came in and broke my water, all this without an epidural. But after that things just started becoming much more intense and closer together I felt like I wasnt able to get a break and focus on my breathing, so I finally opted for an epidural, which I originally didn't want, but with how fast and intense my contractions were, I really didn't care even despite the fact that I hate needles and heard some pretty bad reactions of the ep. So the anesthesiologist finally came in at 6 p.m. and hooked everything up. After about 15 minutes the contractions didn't hurt as bad, even though I was still able to feel them on my right side, I was comfortable and able to relax, it was heaven. For anyone who has any fears of it hurting, I didn't feel a thing when they numb you, or even when they put the 6 inch needle into your spine, but thats probably because my contractions hurt so much worse and I was focusing on breathing, getting through each one, and not moving so the anesthesiologist could get the needle in the right spot. After the epidural the nurse came and checked me, at 6:30 I was dilated to an 8 and by 7:30 I was dilated to a 10. Then it was a matter of waiting for my doctor to arrive because I wasnt going to let anyone deliver my baby but him. After 3 pushes and 4 minutes later Ryder was born at 8:09 p.m. on November 5. It was such an amazing experience giving birth, and seeing him for the first time. To finally hold him after carrying him for 40 weeks, was just incredible. The fact that Nick and I had a hand in creating him and bringing him into this world, words just can't describe how that feels. I fell in love with him from the moment I laid eyes on him, and I keep falling more in love with him with each passing day. There is no greater feeling in the world than being a mother, and I am so grateful that I get to be his mother.
7 lbs 9 oz and 20.5 in |
A love beyond measure ♥ |